I may have missed it, but throwing the
MOB pole would be my first step. Assuming there is a way to manuever the
boat, after the
MOB pole was deployed, I would get the
boat close enough to effect a
rescue. I would never get in the
water until it was a last resort, and I knew I was within range of a
First and most important, you must provide a method to locate the MOB, as when you get in the
water, you will not be able to see him/her.
Second, staying ON the boat should be a priority, as your ability to rescue the MOB will be hampered by cold water, and physical excertion.
Third, you must consider the condition of the boat. Will the
mast pose additional dangers while attempting a rescue? Is the boat holed? Your MOB can not be rescued if there is no place to rescue him or her to.