Hi Vortex. I'll have to look into Salt-Away. I've never heard of it before. I asked a
mechanic at Pender Harbour
Diesel what he thought I should use and he just recommended a diesel anti-freeze, so that's what is in there now. I think something that would actually break down and dissolve the
salt deposits and
corrosion would be better than just anti-freeze.
I haven't done a conversion, my self... yet but I will one day. It isn't very complicated but is expensive. Still, less expensive that replacing a plugged up block and manifold, or entire engine. Basically, you run sea water into a
heat exchanger, which has hot
coolant circulating through it from the engine and returns it to the engine. So you need a second
pump and a
heat exchanger along with various fitting, clamps, mounting brackets and hoses.
I like the idea of the fresh water flusher. Definitely easier and cheaper than a complete conversion.