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Old 27-05-2019, 04:06   #181
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 40
Re: Long distance sailing in small yachts

Jim - it is now almost 25 years ago since that infamous Queen's Birthday storm in the South Pacific.
It is more than 20 years ago that I read that article I mentioned and have no idea now what the name of the boat was - nor can I remember exactly where I read it - but think it may have been a boating mag.

That storm was something way out of the ordinary - and most sailors would probably never ever encounter that sort of weather in a lifetime of cruising as you say.

In reality it is absolutely amazing that only one boat and crew was lost considering the severity and duration of that storm.
Shows also that a well found boat can survive such horrendous conditions. It is often the crew that don't cope too well.

The heaviest weather the Pardey's mention encountering that I am aware of was after rounding Cape Horn east to west where they encounted 70 knots in their 28 foot boat Taleisen.

But anyway - this thread really isn't about the virtues of larger versus small boats - but about whether small boats can do extended cruising safely including offshore voyaging.
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