Here's an update from Jeff. I received these emails from Jeff late last night. He is in Golfito,
Costa Rica apparently in need of
repairs. Maybe someone out there can help. Ive reprinted these emails with permission.
email 1 (I asked him how it was going).
Well I dont know how much you have kept up on whats been going on so I will try to give the catch up version. I am now In Gulfito heading to
Panama on the 13th on a bus to meet my wife at the
airport and bring her back here to the
boat then we will continue. On the way to here I got into a big storm and went three days withought sleep to get back to the coast and my auto pilot broke so Now we are trying to figure out how we can get a new auto pilot and still have enough
money to pass through the Panama Canel.
Jeff S Gomes
email 2 (I asked him how I keep track of his progress)
Yes I am anchored Out in front of Land Sea Services owned by Tim And Kathy they are great people and any passing by the area I would sugest them to stop in They offer a good
laundry service a book exchange
water and a great clubhouse with
shower and honor system drinks. you can go to the more expensive docks but here I feel like I am with friends. As for keeping up with me the best I have been able to do is post updates when I can On my face book you have to look up Jeff Gomes From Pico
Azores and request to be added as a friend and when I can I post where I am at and I try to put some pictures.
Jeff S Gomes
Keep it going Jeff. Life is short. I just received a call as I was typing this that a good friend and neighbor of mine just died this morning. He was an athlete and healthy. Devastating.