for all the alternately frivolous, macabre and fatalistic responses here... this thread serves the final successful purpose. It made me think.
whistles and knives on the vests.
short lines that keep you above the water.
ladders rigged to be lowered from the water. (although only while underway. at
anchor I don't think I want a welcome mat that easy to access hanging out.)
rope trailing to put her in irons.
dope on a
rope line trailing to grab in case despite all your good intentions you slip and go over with out that harness on.
mob alarm while on watch; set for every 15 minutes which the watch resets before it goes off so that 14 minutes after falling over the SO get their sorry ass woke up to come
rescue the dope on a rope.
Hard hat so the boom doesn't kill you when it whacks you up side the
head and so the ladder doesn't knock ya out when you pull it down... honestly, in heavy conditions that bike helmet might be a good idea...
Of course we could all stay safely ashore where NOTHING dangerous ever happens... oh, yeah, life is hazardous everywhere, ain't it?
thanks all for the brain engagement ; -)