Originally Posted by Ex-Calif
We made a circle of plasticene/play-doh and laid it on a thin 1/4 inch ply. We slapped it on the outside and sunk wood screws through it. Pumped the water out viola!
At sea you would have a hard time drilling the screws in but sea pressure might help hold the plywood until you could get it affixed. A manual hand drill (works underwater) like grandpa had is a great toolkit item.
diving club wanted to replace the echo sounder
transducer on an 80 foot
steel RN fleet
tender weighing about 140 tonnes. Couldn't afford a
lift and didn't fancy beaching her, it stumped us for a while.
Then one bright spark had the idea of putting the new
transducer in a bucket. Applying radiator pipe
insulation around the lip of the bucket and tie it in place under
water. Undo and allow the old transducer to drop into the bucket and through the hole
fish the new transducer into place. With lots of divers on standby it worked like a dream and job was completed in 10 minutes leaving everyone wondering what was all the fuss about.