I know this has been discussed on here several times, but I am still struggling.
I am trying to get any
NMEA output from my GX2150 on
OpenCPN. I have a
serial cable hooked up to my computer with an ATEN
serial to USB connector. When I hook my raystar 125 to it at 4800, I see sentences.
Now I am trying to connect the GX2150, but no sentences. I have tried hooking the serial cable to the yellow/white wires for
AIS out at 38400, but see nothing. I have tried hooking up to the gray and brown wires at 4800 and no
DSC sentences.
Will the
radio output sentences even if there are no
AIS targets? Currently, I have none in range.
I also noticed that my chart plotter, which was working with the unit two weeks ago, is also not receiving sentences. Again, does the
radio send sentences if there are no targets in range? If not, then that is likely to be my problem. otherwise, I think my radio went bad. Not good one week before a planned 1000 mile sail....
I have tried:
Yellow to pin 2 and white to pin 5
Yellow to pin 2 and
boat ground to pin 5
Gray to pin 2 and brown to pin 5
Gray to pin 2 and
boat ground to pin 5
gps input onto the green and blue wires works. I will get someone to
DSC me tomorrow.