Originally Posted by s/v Jedi
The wireless remote mikes all have massive problems. The B&G lose their pairing, can’t be paired again, fail to recharge and worst thing: audio quality degrades even at 15’ distance from radio to a level that you don’t want to listen anymore.
The SH wireless I luckily read the reviews before buying the wireless mike so I have the wired RAM4 now which is wonderful. The wireless has range problems even at 6’ from the “base station”.
I wanted a wired
remote as well, I had to go with the
B&G wireless remote. It has only
lost pairing once, when I needed it, of course. My main problem is the audio quality and volume. It's very hard to hear with
noise. The intercom is a great idea, however it is several layers deep in the menu. I have wired a small switch to the
charging base as then
batteries die early if you leave them on charge all the time. I am sure I will forget to turn that on or off at some stage
There is no tether point on the
radio either, just a belt clip.
Bring back a wired one B&G!