I have many
thoughts for you....(not the least of which is: SSB is not becoming obsolete at all....and, actually HF
communications is still considered to be the primary mode of access to offshore weather for most cruising/voyaging well as part of both the pleasure
boat "cruising community" and the international GMDSS....)
This topic has been discussed quite a bit over the past year, and I'll try to pass on some brief thoughts, and some links to recent discussions....
(although not knowing exactly what
equipment you have now, nor exactly where you'll be cruising, nor what your
budget is, etc. makes recommendations difficult...)
Originally Posted by Maineiac_sailor
Hey all, im looking into some new upgrades for my boat. Im wondering what you guys use for weather offshore. I know the steadfast is the ssb, but im wondering if its becoming obsolete with the availability and price drop of satellite phones?
Ease of use, connection to computer, weather data available, and the cost of installation are all important factors.
Any thoughts?
1) Let me preface this with the facts that I've made my living in electronics/communications (primarily
commercial sat comm) for almost 30 years now, AND I've been designing, installing, operating, and repairing HF comm systems (both ham and maritime, on shore and on-board) for almost 40 years now.....
So, while I AM a "radio nut" and have my own personal preferances, I really don't have any big prejudices either way!!! (at least I don't think so...
2) Now mentioned "offshore", which is a big generality....and precisely
what system(s) you find are best for you to access weather info and forecasts on-board will depend a little bit
on where, when, and how you're planning on sailing, cruising, and voyaging....( as well as your budget)
But, in general here are some "thoughts" based on my personal experiences sailing offshore (Atlantic crossings, the
Med, US - Carib, misc
Bahamas cruising....from the 1960's to present...)
a) For most of the N. Atlantic,
Gulf of Mexico, and the north, eastern, central, southeastern is the US NWS/NOAA
Marine Weather and Forecasts (broadcast FREE by the USCG, voice, text and wefax) that are still considered (by both
commercial mariners and pleasure boaters) to be the "gold standard" of offshore weather info/forecasts....
(with the Canadian, UK, AUS, NZ, and French met offices also providing excellent offshore weather info/forecasts, much of which is also still broadcast for free....)
And, for other areas of the world not covered by the others, you have many of the remaining ocean voyaging nations (Japan,
Singapore, SA,
Greece, etc.) still providing good offshore weather....
Most of this is broadcast for free, over
HF radio (using very powerful transmitters)....whether voice, text, or wefax....and is easily received by an on-board SSB set-up (or even a simple portable receiver) w/o any special
modem, etc.....
{-You can use free
software (JVComm, etc.) in your
laptop, connected to your HF receiver (or SSB transceiver), to receive wefax
charts and
images, as well as hf text broadcasts and NAVTEXT...
-Or you can use a dedicated hf wefax / NAVTEX receivers (as I do, as well as many commercial ships)....
-There is NO need for any
PACTOR modem to access this weather info / forecasts....}
Here are just a couple of pages where you can get some idea of what is available....
National Weather Service Marine Forecasts
Marine Radiofax charts
b) Some have been frustrated by HF (SSB) comms, as they do require you to learn a bit, before you can use it as "plug-n-play"....
So, they have decided to use sat phones (Iridium in particular) to access some of the above mentioned weather data / forecasts....via e-mail and compressed files....
And/Or to access computer generated
forecast models (so called GRIB files).....
{Some that have decided to forego
learning too much about hf comms, but wishing to stay within their
budget by NOT using expensive airtime on a sat phone, and/or have NOT equipped their vessel with a fixed sat phone
antenna (making sat phone data connection difficult when in a seaway), use their hf e-mail access (using their HF / SSB with a
PACTOR modem) via Sailmail or Winlink, to access this weather data / forecasts via saildocs....(this is a more "auotmated" way of doing this, and if you're not too experienced in hf comms, this can also result in better quality weather chart
images....and they also have access to the above mentioned computer-generated models (GRIB's)....}
c) If you have a desire for hi-res, full color graphic displays of weather
charts and images, etc. you can also access much of the above weather info/forecasts via the
internet, etc...but that's well beyond what most offshore cruisers can afford when offshore (~ $5000 up front for a
broadband sat terminal)....
{if coastal sailing, in the
Mexico, and northern Carib, some have also had good luck using Sirius
Marine Weather (via Sirius Sat Radio).....but certainly not a substitute for HF/SSB and/or sat phone comms...}
3) Here are some recent discussions on this topic, which you may find useful....
SSCA Forum • View topic - shortwave marine weather forecasts in english?
SSCA Forum • View topic - Is weatherfax what I need?
SSCA Forum • View topic - Trouble Copying Wefax Using JVComm32
SSCA Forum • View topic - Sat Phone / Plan Recommendations
SSCA Forum • View topic - Weather Info from SSB/Proctor Modem
I hope this helps...
(There is quite a bit more out there.....but I didn't want to overwhelm you....)
Oh, and here are some pictures of my Nav Station....
Nav Station
s/v Annie Laurie