Very strange issue. We're all stumped here on the
dock. If anybody can help that would be greatly appreciated.
PROBLEM: Unit newly displays "Voltage too high! Shutting down in 5s" Then shuts down.
-Unit Voltage (from display) indicates about 34V just before shutting down
-Voltmeter readings at/are:
Plug (power pins) = 13.8v
Power Junction box = 13.8v
Batteries = 13.8v
-Unit is rated to function 10v-32v
-Unit voltage (from display) increases slowly from 13.8v to 34V (eventually shutting off) as
engine runs but voltages at other points (incl.
plug into unit) remain at 13.8v.
-Voltages at all other plug pins are less than 5v
-Nothing else is connected to unit (No
NMEA, no
depth sounder, etc.)
Reset to Factory Settings
Remove chart SD card
electrical ground from
battery ground to RF ground