The new Starlink Roam can be purchased as a “global” subscription costing $200 monthly. Supposedly it will
work anywhere there is
satellite coverage globally with no geofencing. Might this unit
work in SE
I hear that some RV subscribers are getting decent signal in
parts of Central and
South America where there is not yet established
That article suggests that a local telco company will receive
service and in turn pass it onto their customers through their existing cellular
network in
Indonesia. But will a Roam subscription purchased outside of
Indonesia work there? Has anyone moved into SE Asia from somewhere else with an RV or Roam service?
There are some good deals on
hardware in
Australia right now for Roam and home service. If there is a chance it will work soon in Malaysia and possibly in surrounding countries then it will be worth
purchasing now. Especially so as that service can be turned on and off by month as needed.