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Old 02-10-2019, 10:08   #31
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

Has anyone bought an Hx890 recently? Do they now come with the firmware updated to 1.12 or have they fixed the update process so that you can do it yourself and don't have to send it into the company?

With the update to v1.12, is the Hx890 now better than the Hx870? Or are there still some removed options that make the Hx870 a better option?

On the Hx870, the marketing says "Channels Available - All USA/International and Canadian Marine Channels". The Hx890 doesn't say this in its marketing. In the manual for the Hx890 it says you can switch between the modes, but it doesn't use the language "All channels available." Does anyone know if has all channels available?

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Old 12-01-2021, 09:55   #32
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

Thought I continue this old thread rather than opening a new one.
I need help about the GPS speed of the HX890.

I just bought a new Icom M93D and tested it's time to aquire a GPS fix. When powering up while walking it takes up to 5 minutes for a hot fix and more than 10 min for a warm fix. My friend's M93D has the 'performance'.

How dare they integrate an MOB function??
At least Icom needs to mention the VHF to be left powered-up.

Icom advertises 9 to 12 seconds, not mentioning it's a stationary hot fix. The Icom M93D from 2020 has a single frequency, 12 channel GPS.

For a comparison my mid range smartphone from 2018 has a dual-frequency, 50+ channel chip, typically taking 10 secs for a moving, warm fix, offshore, outside cellular networks.

The HX890 has 66 channels. Could someone check how long it takes for a warm fix, powering up while walking?

Thanks, Mirko
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Old 16-12-2022, 07:46   #33
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

In case folks are finding this thread looking for info on the HX890, I can answer some of the questions posed above.

I recently acquired two of these HX890s, so I spent some time getting them properly set up.

1. Getting a reset code from S-H to allow you to reprogram the MMSI is effortless - the procedure in the manual (available on Standard's web site: )
2. GPS acquisition time is about 1 minute from a cold start (somewhat dependent on satellite positioning when you do the test).
3. Firmware is 2.00 now, and updating is effortless.

4. Software is downloadable for free from S-H (see URL above) - don't pay some scammer for it!
5. The charger base is NOT water-resistant! I got one of my units for $20 because the charger base was damaged/inop and the battery had run down
6. The radio appears to have all the known USA and International Marine channels available - but check the manual referenced above for specifics.

Hope this helps!

S/V Atsa
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Old 20-12-2022, 06:45   #34
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

I am on my 3rd HX890 and to where I love the radio I am done with it. It seams that the rechargeable battery lasts for about a year then it will not take a charge (the reason I am on my 3rd). But one of the reasons i like the radio is because it has a clamshell that you can use with it, now it turns off every time I key up. I am in the market for a new radio and will not be getting another HX890 but am having a hard time finding another one that has the ability to use a clam shell. To me the ability to either use rechargeable batteries or normal ones in a clam shell is mandatory. Kind of hard to put a charger in a ditch bag
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Old 20-12-2022, 12:27   #35
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

As you may be aware you can replace the rechargeable pack in the HX890. New packs are around $50

Take a look at the HX380. It is a VHF only -- no DSC, no GPS -- but has a "clamshell" battery tray available. Because the battery pack is larger you get around 16 hours on a charge and close to that on 8 AAs in the clamshell. It is also designed so that watertight integrity is maintained when changing packs---which are water resistant by themselves even if not connected to the phone. I have four of the radios and a couple of the clamshells.

You can get a Garmin eTrex 10 and put it in your go bag along with the VHF if you want GPS capability. Runs on two AA batteries for 20 hours and has basic waypoint features and a worldwide base map.
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Old 09-05-2023, 19:38   #36
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Re: Standard Horizon HX890 Hand Held VHF Radio

Does the HX890 stop charging the battery the way the HX870 does? It simply lets it drain to zero. I can attach gator clips to the cradle's contacts and charge the battery without the handset, so the cradle is ok. It's the handset. Its happened several times and leaving it in the cradle turned off sometimes gets it charging again.
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