Thought I continue this old thread rather than opening a new one.
I need help about the
GPS speed of the HX890.
I just bought a new
Icom M93D and tested it's time to aquire a
GPS fix. When powering up while walking it takes up to 5 minutes for a hot fix and more than 10 min for a warm fix. My friend's M93D has the 'performance'.
How dare they integrate an
MOB function??
At least
Icom needs to mention the
VHF to be left powered-up.
Icom advertises 9 to 12 seconds, not mentioning it's a stationary hot fix. The Icom M93D from 2020 has a
single frequency, 12 channel GPS.
For a comparison my mid range smartphone from 2018 has a dual-frequency, 50+ channel chip, typically taking 10 secs for a moving, warm fix,
offshore, outside cellular networks.
The HX890 has 66 channels. Could someone check how long it takes for a warm fix, powering up while walking?
Thanks, Mirko