I have a
Raymarine ST290 setup with E120 chart plotter and various gadgets to go with it.
Catamaran with 2 x 40HP
Yanmar diesels, I would like to add certain parameters into the system. When I am sailing I am mainly standing on the
cockpit seat to sea better - but then I can't see the analogue
instruments. Also no warning there, if I lose
oil pressure or overheat, for instance.
I am looking at
Oil temperature (and other select temperatures)
Oil pressure
Battery voltage
Fuel Flow
Fuel level (less important but would be nice)
The ST290 DPU has
SeaTalk, SeaTalk2, NMEA183, NMEA2000 ... as far as I remember.
Is this doable (within reasonable budget), and what is the best way forward?
It would be nice if I can play with the data as I want - for instance with fuel flow, fuel level and SOG, I would calculate estimated remaining range and time.
RPM should be digital in a way to make it so precise that I can use it to (manually) synchronise the RPM if I want. Maybe even synchrophase, but that would probably take
electric throttles which I don't want.
So - add on to the
SeaTalk, or use a third party setup and connect it via NMEA2000 or otherwise? I am happy to
experiment and build stuff, but it has to be quite reliable.