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Old 17-09-2018, 06:36   #1
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Seatalk signal questions

I am trying to get the raymarine instruments working and have some issues with seatalk bus. I am looking for inputs from those with more knowledge in electronics and have worked on seatalk.

I have absolutely no activity on the bus. therefore C70 MFD is not showing any data. I have tried various combinations of MFD with ST60Plus depth and ST60plus boat speed as well as raystar RS125 GPS. These are the only instruments that are powering up. Autopilot was shot, and so was ST60plus wind so I had to remove them from the bus.

I get a flat 11.9V between yellow to shield on the scope. I have a 5A fused power to the buss from the switch. Raystar 125 blinks green every 4 seconds indicating it has a GPS fix, but when i add RS125 to the buss, yellow signal wire shows pulses only going up to about 6V.
I buzzed out the wire for continuity from the back of RS125 connector to the splice behind MFD and it all checked out good.

If i am not mistaking, seatalk should be pulled up to 12V if not active.

So I am wondering if Raystar 125 seatalk interface is blown?

Also should speed and depth ST60plus be sending data? Or should the MFD request the data in order for instruments to send it back?

I also tried raystar 125 in NMEA 0183 mode, disconnecting seatalk altogether and using NEMA IN on the MFD. But I saw no activity on the yellow NEMA + to shield Nema-. RS125 was blinking green every two seconds indicating a GPS fix and is in NEMA out mode.
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Old 17-09-2018, 07:19   #2
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

So sorry but this will probably not be helpful.

I have Raymarine 60+. I sent all hardware back for factory service a year ago. The wind is still dodgy and drops out. Boat speed worked only for a season 8years ago, never since. Depth is good and always has been. Forget about connecting to my backbone. Factory service is not expensive, single blanket fee.

Raymarine uses a “proprietary communication” so it can only communicate with like minded devices. I think some of the newer Raymarine may operate on NMEA protocol. ST60+ is old protocol. You can get an un-scrambler translator from Brookhouse or other multiplexer maker. You may need to find out compatibility from Raymarine.

The wiring and plug on the mast head is unique to Raymarine so you cannot change to another type without swapping wires unless the supplier of the new stuff was clever enough to offer an adapter socket. Pulling my mast is over $2000 so Roxy operates only with GPS SOG and the chart plotter.
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Old 17-09-2018, 08:46   #3
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

Originally Posted by Nicholson58 View Post
So sorry but this will probably not be helpful.

I have Raymarine 60+. I sent all hardware back for factory service a year ago. The wind is still dodgy and drops out. Boat speed worked only for a season 8years ago, never since. Depth is good and always has been. Forget about connecting to my backbone. Factory service is not expensive, single blanket fee.

Raymarine uses a “proprietary communication” so it can only communicate with like minded devices. I think some of the newer Raymarine may operate on NMEA protocol. ST60+ is old protocol. You can get an un-scrambler translator from Brookhouse or other multiplexer maker. You may need to find out compatibility from Raymarine.

The wiring and plug on the mast head is unique to Raymarine so you cannot change to another type without swapping wires unless the supplier of the new stuff was clever enough to offer an adapter socket. Pulling my mast is over $2000 so Roxy operates only with GPS SOG and the chart plotter.
Thanks. It would help to know if multi function display willl show depth as sent by st60plus depth.
St60plus speed is showing dashes and no temp so that is weired as well.
I just need one known good seatalk device to see that mfd is working.
Seems like previous owner has fried seatalk interface components on almost all devices.
Im so unfortunate. Original c70 MFD was not powering up. I got a functioning used replacemet. Only to find out its not displaying a gps fix. My autopilot course compiter, S2 was shot as well. Loading the seatalk down. And there was few components that looked fried on that board. S2 was undersized for my boat anyway So i am loking for a second hand s3/s3g. St8002 controller was working, showing no pilot and was showing proper seatalk signal on the scope.
But i am not sure if connecting that and MFD c70 to seatalk makes any sense.
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Old 20-09-2018, 00:29   #4
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

the mfd will show depth and wind from the st60 gauges. and should get gps from ray125. on the seatalk bus.

is the seatalk bus powered with 12v on the red wire somewhere?

I don't think the yellow should be 11.9v. it's data and should be jumping up and down.

the 125 should also be working in nmea mode to feed the MFD. it will have a GPS window and tell you what's going in. and if it is trying to pick up any sats.

in the dianogists settings in the MFD you should be able to see TX and RX data packet numbers for seatalk? and see if it's sending or RX'ing anything on that bus.
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Old 20-09-2018, 08:23   #5
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

Yes i have a dedicated 5A fused seatalk supply.

I got a new DigitalYacht 150 GPS so tonight I will try to get a GPS fix on the MFD. I also discovered that boat speed/temp airmar ST800 is dead. Got a new one and will be hooking it up to a display. hopefully that will produce some activity on the setalk bus.
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Old 20-09-2018, 08:48   #6
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

The seatalk bus is quite simple and easy to troubleshoot.

Lots of good info here:

A male male plug is really handy to bypass a device while keeping the rest of the network intact. That is sometimes needed to figure out which device is hanging up the bus. Raymarine has such a device. It’s called a D244 Seatalk 3-way block. There is one included with the wireless smart controller base station.
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Old 24-09-2018, 08:04   #7
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Re: Seatalk signal questions

I got data on the seatalk bus. MFD is now displaying NEMA (GPS data) and seatalk boat speed/temperature data. As i expected, there had to have been a significant surge event to fry so much of the seatalk devices. From what I see in schematics, raymarine put significant hardening on the seatalk interface. So it is still puzzling to me that so much damage happened. items that were affected.
1. Depth ST60+ powers up, display works but does not speak Seatalk, most likely damaged hardware I/F

2. C60 MFD not powering up
3. S2 Course computer, powers up, voltages good(processor is up), but seatalk hardware interface blown, does not speak seatalk, ST8002 says "No pilot".

4. ST60Plus Boat Speed/Temp not powering up.
5. Raystar RS125 powers up indicating gps fix, but does not talk Seatalk or NEMA.

6. ST60Plus Wind powers up but not indicating wind speed or direction/does not speak Seatalk.
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