Rudder feedback unit failure is a possibility. Overcurrent warning means that the unit has driven the rudder against the stop due to wrong
motor direction, RFU failure or wrong calibration or limit setting. (failed
motor will also)
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Make sure there is no issue with the RFU linkage. See p 97 for 'Rudder Feedback Calibration", this is in the "Dockside Settings" menu. Note that the calibration can be backwards, the knob will adjust it all the way from one side to the other. After this procedure check your rudder angle indication manually with the wheel and insure it is correct - the bargraph goes to left when turned to port, right when turned to stbd, and has consistent indication across the span. If not, you have a failed RFU. If OK, then proceed to the 'Automatic Rudder Test' which will tell you if the motor direction is correct. Now, in the Standby mode you should have proper rudder operation and indication using the red and green arrow keys (Jog Steering). If wrong, reverse the motor leads. At this point, check that your 'Rudder Limit' is set a couple degrees less than the hard-over point. Press 'Auto', there should be no response from the rudder as long as the
boat is straight. Turn the knob a few clicks one way or the other - this should cause a response from the rudder in the same direction. If this is OK the pilot should
work normally.