the moving
race comes off after you loosen the screws that hold the rollers. that is a little difficult because as with all screws loosen too much and clink clink clink, hence block
cockpit drains. i think i had 6 or 8, not on the boat but when i did mine dropped 4 out of them into the inards. now easy to find but just a little scary until you get it apart and find them all. The butyl tape i used to put the screws with the rollers just as precaution so it would hold even if i jiggled it a little when putting it back together. Once apart it is easy to replace the belt, the old 2 hours of
work for a 5 minute job. Replaced belt, make sure nothing in the way, foreign objects, belt does tend if new to not want to stay in place until all buttoned up so may have to put pressure on the
clutch to keep it in while replacing outer ring. I required extra pair of hands to put it all back as you need to jig it a little as the wheels don't necessarily fit back easily. that's why i left them loose, and butyl tape as guard against me loosing nuts and having to open again. maybe some people wouldn't need it but i didn't want to reopen after finally getting it back just to find a loose screw or nut i dropped. The outside ring is very tight, slight persuasion to press over all the rollers, don't do it on a cold day or put the ring in the sun so it's warm and flexible. My main issue was PO did not have the "badge" that goes over the knobs that connects the unit to the wheel. so once i got the unit back together i had to fashion a stainless plate to fit over the knobs and it has worked great since.