24-02-2010, 03:06

Join Date: Mar 2009
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Raymarine System Compatibility Question
Our (new to us) boat has got a last generation radar/plotter system which works really well. It consists of RL80CRC+ at the nav table, RL70RC+ monochrome at the helm, and a 24" 4kW radome.
I'm well aware of all of the advantages of the latest generation of electronics, but if you upgrade your whole electronic suite everytime a new generation comes out, you will soon go bankrupt. So I plan to use the existing system for a few years at least. Anyway I am very pleased with how the existing system works. The only thing which I really miss in the existing system is AIS compatibility (the displays simply don't recognize the AIS data). Also, the monochrome display at the helm is not as useful as a color display would be.
Can I buy just one "C" series display and mount it at the helm instead of the RL70? The radar manual seems to imply that it might work. It says:
"C-Series Display Compatibility.
To achieve full compatibility with a C-Series Display, your Raymarine radar scanner may require upgrading. Please refer to the C-Series Display Owner’s Handbook, or contact Technical Support for details."
Has anyone used "C" series displays and "RL" series displays together in one system? This could be a neat solution; the "C" series display will read an AIS transponder too. I could put the old RL70 in the master cabin for anchor watch duty. Like that I would be fixed up for some years to come, I think.
24-02-2010, 03:27
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When I fitted a C80 to my helm in 2005, it was not compatible with the already fitted (Raytheon as it was) RL72.
If you check on the Raymarine website under FAQ's "radar compatability" you will see that 2kw radomes with serial numbers up to 0530157 are not compatible with C/E series
24-02-2010, 03:37

Join Date: Mar 2009
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Got it; thanks. My radar scanner -- an RD4, 4kW Pathfinder scanner -- seems to be compatible; might need a software upgrade. But will it talk (read maps from) to my RL80CRC+ at the nav table?
24-02-2010, 03:46

Join Date: Mar 2009
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Cr*p, here's the answer, it seems:
C-Series compatibility with hsb2 devices  Question Do C-Series displays have hsb 2 networking? Can I add them to my existing Pathfinder hsb2 system?
 Answer C-Series Multifunction Displays do not have hsb 2 networking. Live images from the chart, radar, or sonar cannot be transmitted between Pathfinder Series and C-Series displays. C-Series displays can be linked to existing Pathfinder displays using SeaTalk or NMEA, enabling them to share digital navigation data like position, course, speed, water depth, waypoint details, etc.
C-Series multifunction displays are designed to be a single-station, all-in-one solution offering radar, chartplotter, and digital sonar in one device. C-Series displays do offer robust capabilities for networking to other electronics using SeaTalk, SeaTalk 2, and NMEA 0183. More information on C-Series networking is available here.
"C-Series Multifunction Displays do not have hsb2 networking. Live images from the chart, radar, or sonar cannot be transmitted between Pathfinder Series and C-Series displays. C-Series displays can be linked to existing Pathfinder displays using SeaTalk or NMEA, enabling them to share digital navigation data like position, course, speed, water depth, waypoint details, etc.
C-Series multifunction displays are designed to be a single-station, all-in-one solution offering radar, chartplotter, and digital sonar in one device. C-Series displays do offer robust capabilities for networking to other electronics using SeaTalk, SeaTalk2, and NMEA 0183. More information on C-Series networking is available here."
My existing Pathfinder system uses hsb2 networking to share the chart and radar images.
And here:
Communications between Pathfinder Series Display(s) and C-Series Multifunction Displays (MFDs) or E-Series MFDs is limited to alphanumeric GPS, instrument, a navigational data via their respective SeaTalk and/or NMEA 0183 interfaces. It is not possible for Pathfinder Series Displays to share graphical cartography, radar, or fishfinder data with C-Series MFDs or E-Series MFDs and vice versa as C-Series MFDs or E-Series MFDs do not feature an hsb2 interface. The configuration described is considered a dual-station or mult-station installation. Dual-station installations are currently considered to be the domain of C-Series Widescreen MFDs, E-Series Classic MFDs, E-Series Widescreen MFDs, and G-Series systems. Multi-station installations are currently considered to be the domain of Raymarine’s E-Series MFDs and G-Series systems. If considering replacement of the currently owned C-Series Classic MFD, then it is recommended that you consider installation of a pair of C-Series Widescreen MFDs, a pair of E-Series Classic MFDs, a pair of E-Series Widescreen MFDs, or a G-Series system as each station would then have essentially identical capabilities. Should one desire to use the currently installed radar scanner with a C-Series MFD or E-Series Classic MFD, then it is recommended that one review the Multifunction Display Compatibility with Legacy Scanners FAQ . C-Series MFDs and E-Series Classic MFDs are designed to utilize Navionics cartography."
So I guess I've answered my own question -- NO. So I guess I would have to pick up a used RL70CRC+ to put at the helm. Which is probably not worth it -- pouring more money into an already obsolete system. Cr*p.
24-02-2010, 04:06
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That's Raymarine for you! At least you can be consoled by the fact they appear to have gone bust
24-02-2010, 04:56

Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by cliffdykes
That's Raymarine for you! At least you can be consoled by the fact they appear to have gone bust
That does not console me at all. I love my Raymarine electronic gear. It all works great, even the old stuff, is totally reliable and intelligently made. It will be terrible if they go out of business.
24-02-2010, 05:21

Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by cliffdykes
That's Raymarine for you! At least you can be consoled by the fact they appear to have gone bust  Cheers Cliff
Nah, the share price took a bit of a dive just after I bailed out (wasn't me Gov, honest) but they do have a nice new shinney HQ just down the road from me in Portmsouth. Shame its rented
Whilst the owners may change I suspect the brand and products will stay, hope so anyway, I have a boat full of the stuff
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