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Old 21-05-2017, 20:12   #1
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Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Hi guys, I am trying to set up my new chart plotter and other bits on board and need some help.

I have the below

Raymarine E80
Raymarine ST60, ST40 instruments
Raymarine 2kw radome
Nav Repeater
Vesper XB8000 AIS, with GPS Antenna attached.

I have pretty much purchased all of these items recently, except the depth, wind etc, and I am trying to wire it all up, and looking for some tips.

The Depth, speed etc is rigged up to the sea talk system which is going into the sea talk port in the back of the E80, and the RADAR is going into the radar port in the back of the E80 - Simple.

My old GPS antenna, the Raystar RS12, is not compatible with Seatalk, and cannot be converted to NMEA to be used with the E80 as it is permanently set to a baud rate of 9600......please correct me if I'm wrong on that.

I do not want to buy the latest Raymarine 130 GPS as it is expensive, and the Vesper XB8000 AIS come with its own GPS antenna which they tell me can be set to feed the E80 with the needed GPS Data.

So.....the GPS antenna will connect to the XB8000 AIS, and then the AIS will connect to the E80 via the NMEA 0183 port at a baud rate of 38,400.

Finally my question is.....can the E80 then push out data via NMEA to my VHF (For position info), and my nav repeater (Course and waypoint bearing etc). Im guessing this would be at baud rate 4800? Is it possible for the E80 to push out at a different Baud rate to that being received by the AIS?

Thanks for any help, see attached a simple sketch of the proposed setup.
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Old 21-05-2017, 20:23   #2
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Yes. If you have multiple NMEA ports can configure them for different baud rates.
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Old 21-05-2017, 20:37   #3
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Unfortunately there is only one NMEA port on the E80 Chartplotter, I wanted to know if you can Have 38,400 going in, and 4,800 going out?
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Old 21-05-2017, 20:46   #4
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

No. One port, one speed.
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Old 21-05-2017, 20:47   #5
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

But a NMEA multiplexer can do the job.
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Old 21-05-2017, 21:11   #6
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

I have read the basics on the multiplexers. Do I have to get a specific one? Raymarine? To work with my E80, or will anyone work?
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Old 22-05-2017, 07:15   #7
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Any one will do. Look at some of the newer ones that will support NMEA 2000 as well as 0183
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Old 22-05-2017, 08:37   #8
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

There is a mistake in your draft where the AIS signal meets the VHF signal. Unless you are N2K two talkers cannot sit on the same wires.

And mark the lines with arrows to facilitate what is in what is out and what signal there (your vhf line is dsc or gps signal or both?)

Your AIS will feed whatever it does to the E screen AND THEN a separate line will take in DSC from your VHF. This output can be split and feed the VHF directly but only if the VHF accepts this baud rate.

If you mean an output of gps data to the VHF, then draw it a separate line. It will be a separate line. This will depend on if the E can reprieve the gps sentence and output it at clow rate (mostly 9600 or 4800).

You are basically limited by E screen inputs outputs and multiplexing capability. So probably connect everything and see what happens. Then post the riddles.

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Old 22-05-2017, 09:10   #9
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Like you, I had a raft of incompatible bits and a reluctance to buy a whole new lot just to get them all to work. Gave up and bought a shipmodul wi-fi multiplexer which did all the thinking for me. Now everyone with a wi-fi enabled device can see what's going on and so can I whatever I'm doing.
No connection with shipmodul....
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Old 22-05-2017, 09:24   #10
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

I have had a look into E manual it does not confirm you can set E input&output rates at two different values.

I was also looking at Vesper usb out but this one seems to have same baud rate with nmea out (as otherwise it could not handle ais).

So your E screen would not be able to pickup the gps info from vesper and downgrade the output rate for the vhf.

BTW I would not use a multiplexer. Plain nmea gps receiver can deliver gps signal to both the vhf and the be a fine backup should the Vesper gps stop.

Look at one of these (samples generic) and see if they could be better that re-multiplexing the signal and relying on a single gps source.


So many ways to skin a cat ;-)

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Old 22-05-2017, 09:35   #11
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Originally Posted by AnsleyS View Post
But a NMEA multiplexer can do the job.
Yes. Not all of them though. And some require further config (newer brooks).

If the output is from the Vesper, there can be too many AIS sentences to fit into 4800. The ais ones would have to be dropped at the multiplexer / converter. This is doable with e.g. some brookhouse ones, but not with the older ones.

If the output on the E screen can be mnea filtered, the ais sentences can be filtered out there, then any 38400 to 4800 baud rate converter will do the job.

The challenge becomes very clear once you sail into a place with a number of ais targets. If their sentences are not dropped, they tend to jam up the 4800 output.

This is why I said above a secondary gps signal can be an optional solution in some situations.

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Old 22-05-2017, 23:04   #12
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Re: Raymarine E80 and Vesper XB8000 AIS setup NMEA query

Originally Posted by jono63812 View Post
Unfortunately there is only one NMEA port on the E80 Chartplotter, I wanted to know if you can Have 38,400 going in, and 4,800 going out?

Does the vesper have 2 ports?

Feed plotter at 38,400 and vhf at 4800
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