Hi guys, I am trying to set up my new chart plotter and other bits on board and need some help.
I have the below
Raymarine E80
Raymarine ST60, ST40
Raymarine 2kw radome
Nav Repeater
Vesper XB8000
AIS, with
GPS Antenna attached.
I have pretty much purchased all of these items recently, except the
wind etc, and I am trying to wire it all up, and looking for some tips.
Depth, speed etc is rigged up to the sea talk system which is going into the sea talk port in the back of the E80, and the
RADAR is going into the
radar port in the back of the E80 - Simple.
My old
GPS antenna, the Raystar RS12, is not compatible with
Seatalk, and cannot be converted to
NMEA to be used with the E80 as it is permanently set to a baud rate of 9600......please correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I do not want to buy the latest Raymarine 130 GPS as it is expensive, and the Vesper XB8000
AIS come with its own GPS antenna which they tell me can be set to feed the E80 with the needed GPS Data.
So.....the GPS antenna will connect to the XB8000 AIS, and then the AIS will connect to the E80 via the
NMEA 0183 port at a baud rate of 38,400.
Finally my question is.....can the E80 then push out data via
NMEA to my
VHF (For position info), and my nav repeater (Course and waypoint bearing etc). Im guessing this would be at baud rate 4800? Is it possible for the E80 to push out at a different Baud rate to that being received by the AIS?
Thanks for any help, see attached a simple sketch of the proposed setup.