Well this is the main reason I have stopped lurking on this forum and actually joined so here goes:
I have a
Raymarine Autohelm with a 300 course computer and a ST6000 plus control
Through some very stupid actions on my part I managed to damage my control unit. To boil it down I managed to ask it to over load it self and burned up one of the resisters in it. While I have managed to fix the actual burned out
parts of the control unit I manged to damage the LCD beyond my
repair ability ( I am fine with soldering SMD components but it seems if you manage to scrape the printed traces on the glass I can not
repair that
So here is my question: Can I upgrade my control unit to the new 6002 or do I need to replace the entire course computer also. If I need to replace the course computer I will be changing it out to
garmin to better interface with the rest of my systems. But if a 6002 will interface with my course computer I will keep my
current system as it is for the most part easily repaired by me.
I know someone is going to pipe in that I should just call
Raymarine and belive me I plan on it before I actually
purchase a new control unit. And I will update this thread with the info once I get it. But I have read through several posts on these older outdated autohelms with few clear answers. So I hope to add to the general knowledge on the subject.
Thanks for any info.