Ive got a Raymarine ST6001 fitted to and coupled with an RL80C on my Meridian 411. Having trouble with it holding a heading and for that matter indicating a consistent heading on the actual instrument. Might need a technician who is in the know. Any recommendations ?
Check you rudder state settings,1-9 a low setting will alw the boat to wander,push -1&+1 together change the setting up to 6 or 7 see if that helps,fixed mine with the same problem.
if you are getting erratic headings while at the dock, you probably need to do your circles to calibrate the fluxgate. I have the fluxgate tests, shout if you need them. First though, I would need to know the rest of your system. Control head is a 6001, right, what about the motor, core pack, rudder ref etc...more details will help us help you.
Thanks SG I'll get the details back to you later today. I was thinking fluxgate issues .
If you download the 6001 commissioning guide it will tell how to calibrate it. But to me it sounds like failure somewhere, you might try to contact Raymarine. The calibration involves turning two slow large circles and then letting the AP calibrate with a zig zag course, only takes a few minutes.
What is your AP? The 6001 is just a control head.