I have
Raymarine MFD with Lighthouse 17.46
software and SRT based class B
ais transponder connected via NMEA2K.
The MFD shows not only
AIS targets as expected, but also my own
boat as a red target and if i turn on
collision warnings the
alarm is being triggered by my own
boat instantly, making this most important
security feature useless.

I have checked the data sent to the
network and there are correct AIVDO messages transmitted by the AIS.
I am not very familiar with AIS protocol, but i would expect the devices on the local
network will recognize the host vessels ID from AIVDO messages and ignore this MMSI. I have spoken to local
Raymarine dealer who told
NMEA sentences containing own vessels data should not be transmitted.
Am i missing something or is it another "vendor lock-in" trick?