Originally Posted by sv_pelagia
I don't believe Canada requires a station license for VHF, MMSI, etc IF you are staying within Canadian waters.
On the flip side, so many of our cruising grounds are immediately adjacent to US waters, that it just makes sense to have the station
In White Rock? need to cross the US to come back to
Canada, so need a station license.
Want to visit the San Juans? Need a station license.
Want to cut the corner and
head to the southern Gulf Islands from the mouth of the Fraser? You’re cutting through the US, need a station license.
Tacking up Boundary
Passage? Same thing, need a station license.
The waters and cruising grounds on both coasts are so tightly packed between the two sides of the line that it just makes sense to get a station license. The only time I wouldn’t bother is if I was confined to something like Lake Winnipeg.