We can get all the data from our N2K networks onto an Android device via GoFree or various other solutions.
Why is there such a paucity of means to display it?
I have Triton and Maretron DSM displays, and the Triton is already much more versatile with the last firmware update.
But there are still all kinds of things I would like to display, which I can't, because it's not among the set screens for any of my devices.
I bought the DSM250 mostly for the
weather screen, but it's not actually all that good. It shows a barograph plot, but doesn't give me
wind over 24 hours which I would so much like to have. Or temperature.
It would seem to be child's play to write an app for Android which would allow one to configure any kind of
screen. Then any Android device becomes an infinitely configurable display.
Has no one done such a thing?