Your Pactor modem has a lot of capabilities. If you aren't already using Airmail (
The Airmail Home Page) for e-mail I do recommend it. Airmail comes with applications that allow you to receive HF Fax weather
charts directly. It works very well. Airmail and an SCS Modem also provide direct support for Navtex messages, very useful in
Europe for weather and traffic information.
Airmail does support a keyboard - to - keyboard teletype mode that I have not used.
The SCS Pactor modems also support CW, SSTV, and RTTY which may be of some interest if you are a ham. I haven't used any of those yet. The
hardware will send faxes as well as receiving them, which may be of some interest. I haven't checked the
regulations for the legality of those modes on
marine SSB. They are allowed in the ham bands.
On my transatlantic last year I used a SCS IIpro and Airmail with an
Icom 802 to send and receive e-mail and receive GRIB files over both Sailmail and Winlink, received Navtex, and received weather faxes. It worked quite well and I'm pleased with the performance.