Now here's a question I bet no one can answer, but just in case . . .
I am thinking about acquiring a Lowrance Elite-5 DSI to use on my
dinghy. Despite its pompous name, this is a dirt
cheap device which does
depth (actually,
fish finding, so relatively high res picture of the bottom) as well as plotting.
I tend to go far and wide on my dink, which is a
rib with a 25 horse
remote steered
motor, so is a proper little motorboat. I often find myself going up rivers, and in waters with big tides, you really need to know what the
depth is doing. I have run aground so many times in my
dinghy I can't count them, with the result that my prop is chewed up.
I have done some open
water motoring in my dink, as well -- in fact I crossed the Solent four times in
winter year before last.
Here's the catch: I also need a plotter for my snowmobile, and I don't want to buy separate devices. Can these things be used in cold
weather? I ride my snowmobile sometimes in temperatures down to -30C.