Hello everybody. I'm not shure if something has been written already about this but I can't find it anyway.
Afther a lot of reading and searching we bought oureself the TP32 from
Simrad. I had an old ST1000 before (solo crossed the Atlantic with it and more) but it doesn't do the job in little heavy
weather. I was convinced of a good choise
buying the TP32 but I'm very dissapointed right now so I even think something is wrong.
First thing: on the cover of the pilot there is written TP22 and not TP32. On the back there is written TP32. I opened the pilot to check and I think its the TP32 but I'm not shure..
Secondly: The pilot is very noisy! On the
simrad site they even tell it's "extremely quiet" but I'm surprised how noisy he is (compared to the old ST1000). I will not be sailing day afther day with that thing making so much noise!
Any body can tell me what they now about the TP32? Should it realy be quiet or is that boulshit. Can it be something is wrong with my brand new pilot?