advice is to switch to a different tiller pilot. I’ve no experience with the
Simrad but have now had FIVE failures on the ST2000. 2 were bad out of the box, repaired by RM and neither one lasted. One unit has had two failures in under 20 hours of use.
Of the 5 failures 4 have been gyro related. I’ve got to tell you it was EXTREAMLY disappointing to receive 2 brand new units with identical bad gyros. My very first unit worked well until the drive thrust blocks wore out.
OPTION 1. Contact Sean Epinger aka BoatAlexander on this forum and
purchase a TinyPilot. It’s about $250 US, you should be able to use it to drive the ST2000 bypassing the control board and gyro.
Then you can buy others old RM units and make them
work until the drive wears out.
OOTION2. Buy a Peligic
Autopilot. About $900 US but they seem to be very reliable. Cheaper on long run.