I want to replace my steaming light with LED. The current light is mounted using a rounded case that sits nicely against the mast. However, the steaming lights I have found (such as the '3 NM NaviLED PRO Masthead Navigation Lamp') all have a flat back.
Any idea how I can properly mount these types of lights?
Make a rounded " bezel " out of wood , plastic or even polyester resin with a little fabric or thickener . Even a piece of dry 2x4, paited for protection .
I drill and tap for 10-24 machine screws (don't forget the Tef-Gel!) and mount the light unit to the mast in its position. Then, mix a wad of West Marine's green epoxy stick( WEST MARINE Epoxy at West Marine), which becomes white when mixed, and mold it into the empty spaces. Clean off the extra with acetone and voila!