Originally Posted by larza7777
Bought a boat and it has HDS-5 Lowrance plotter and Raymarine SPX-5 autopilot. They both have Nmea 183 and i connected the wires but SPX-5 dont recieve data. I dont know how to solve this problem, can someone help?
Jari from Finland
Hi Jari,
I´m pretty sure, the HDS has a NMEA2000 port, check your installation-manual for this. If it is, then you can build a small N2k bus and both devices should work together.In the net you will find enough information about NMEA2000-Bus.
Ray`s Seatalk-STng is
electrical the same and in fact compatible with N2K.
To connect the SPX-5 as a device to the N2k-bus, use an N2k-cable with a male-plug on one side and an open-wires end on the other.
Connect the colored wires 1:1 to the STng-terminals of the SPX-5.
Only the12V-Wires are critical, thats why dont`t swap the red / black wires, that will give you trouble !!!
Preferably connect the 12V bus-power to the same as the two devices, cause it must be powerd up before you switch the devices on.
If you have questions/problems with the Bus-Design better ask me again before you connect the devices.
May be you still need to enable the N2K-Port in the HDS-5, I'm not sure about that, but usually not.The HDS should now be able to send routes or waypoints to the SPX and you now can also receive the combined fluxgate/gyro-course datas from the SPX-5.
For better acuracy of the SPX´s course-datas execute the autopilots compass- compensation- and equalising-routine from time to time.
Depending on the type of your Raymarine autopilot
control panel, you still have to confirm the
current track so that the pilot will follow it.
Imho that should be all.
The investition in the N2k-bus gives you a future-bonus to your
navigation equipment.
If a log is established at the HDS the SPX-5 can also receive and use these datas to increse the steering-performance of the autopilot.
Furthermore you can expand/ use the N2k-bus with additinal components, f.ex.
AIS,VHF,wind etc.
I think the N2k-Bus is the better solution for your problem.
hope it helps you,
Sailors greetings from the Island of Ruegen,