The Axiom and the 60i are
Seatalk NG devices. Aside from power, they connect via 5-wire
Seatalk NG
cables, often through the five-piece thingy. There are multiple flavors of the five piece thingy, the one that you need is called a Seatalk-to-Seatalk NG converter, that has the yellow middle terminal. Assuming you have that, you need to connect the Axiom to one of the white terminals, the 60i to the other white terminal, put in the blue termination plugs at the end. Next you need to
plug a blank cable into the middle yellow terminal, cut the other end and do the following connections: red to power (+12V), black to ground and yellow and black to the Seatalk connection at the back of the ST4000+. You do not need to connect Seatalk red from the ST4000+ to power.
Later, when you upgrade your
autopilot, you will do away with the Seatalk
network and will connect the Evolution pilot directly to the Seatalk NG
network. With all signal networks, Seatalk, Seatalk NG, Setalk HS, (Ethernet, that you can use later for radar),
nmea, you can splice the
cables at will. The connectors are there only for convenience and
water protection. The only cables that you should not splice are sonar and analog