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Old 19-04-2015, 12:55   #1
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Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area

I have a fully-installed M802 onboard my trawler but am having some issues that recommend an expert technician's assistance. Can anyone recommend someone in the Pompano-Ft. Lauderdale area who could troubleshoot my SSB?

Many thanks in advance!
Hinckley Bermuda 40 Yawl
Nordhavn 40 Passagemaker Trawler
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Old 20-04-2015, 07:25   #2
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Re: Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area

Between myself, Bill, Chip, Eric, etc. there's way more than 100 years of HF radio experience right here....and > 50 years experience with the M-802....
So, if you describe your "issues", I suspect that we could help you out in short order, for FREE...
Troubleshooting "issues" is one of the main things that takes place here!! (and we usually find the problem in short order...assuming you give a lot of info/details!)

But, if you want to wait to get someone on-board, and pay money to someone that might not completely have your best interests at heart (their main interest is of course getting paid), then I have a few thoughts...
Originally Posted by Kim Petersen View Post
I have a fully-installed M802 onboard my trawler but am having some issues that recommend an expert technician's assistance. Can anyone recommend someone in the Pompano-Ft. Lauderdale area who could troubleshoot my SSB?
Although I have no personal experience with their techs, Atlantic Radiotelephone has an excellent reputation....and I've also heard good things about Dave Lalonde at Lamplighter Marine....
Both in the Ft. Laud area...

John at Mack Sails, in Stuart, FL (yes they serve Ft. Laud), is a qualified marine electronics guy and has installed many M-802's.....but not sure of his experience in troubleshooting specific "issues"....
But, you can call 'em at 772-283-2306 and ask...

And, of course there is Gary Jensen at Dockside Radio, on Florida's West Coast....
He knows his stuff, but is quite a ways away....

Those are the ones I know of....
But, I do think you should at least try to describe the "issues" and give us a shot...
(I've got only a few minutes on/off today...but will be available all evening....and could even try calling you on the phone this afternoon / evening if you like....)

Fair winds...


BTW, I hope you saw my posting here...
John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
MMSI# 366933110
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Old 21-04-2015, 22:45   #3
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Re: Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area


Many thanks for the great information and kind offer of help.

My schedule is such that I have little time to spare before heading south to the Exumas with the family. The issue is that, despite having the SSB 'professionally' installed, it is unable to tune-in known stations. I wish I had the time to troubleshoot it myself, but on this occasion I'm going to have a pro look things over. I'll try Atlantic Radiotelephone first and see what happens.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond!

Hinckley Bermuda 40 Yawl
Nordhavn 40 Passagemaker Trawler
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Old 22-04-2015, 01:17   #4

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Re: Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area

"unable to tune-in known stations."
Most likely an antenna problem (bad cable, loose connection) OR an internal problem in the radio, rashly assuming all settings on the radio are correct. Receiving doesn't require much besides a good radio and a good antenna/connection.
If there's an antenna tuner located at the base of a backstay antenna, and another cable run back to the SSB, then there's two more connections that can be bad, going in and out of the tuner.
You might try improvising a simple wire antenna, jammed into the center feed of the SSB's antenna connection and running a simple wire up to the top of the mast on any convenient halyard. If the radio is still "deaf" and time is short, you may need expedited repairs in the radio. So if you can get a trustworthy professional to check it out, time could be of the essence. Meanwhile, a spool of wire (even "bell" wire from the hardware store) would give you a good chance to see if it is an antenna/vs/radio problem.

Needless to say: THIS IS FOR RECEIVING TESTS ONLY. Don't even think about transmitting with that kind of jury-rig antenna, it could damage the radio. Unplugging the mic before you start can help ensure that just won't happen.
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Old 22-04-2015, 10:51   #5
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Re: Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area

You're very welcome!
And, hellosailor has given you some good ideas as well...

But, PLEASE provide some more info here....even if we do find you have a radio problem, we should be able to find that out in short order!

1) BEFORE you call anyone, if you could just be more specific on what "known stations" you cannot receive, at what frequency and what time of day???
And, if you are in a marina / yacht club / private dock with other boats and/or shore-side interference around you???

The reason I'm requesting this is because you mentioned "professionally installed", and by that I'm making an assumption that you haven't a lot of experience with HF radio, and if that is true, it is VERY possible that you have NO problem at all with your system!!
But, until I know what "known stations", on what frequency and at what time of day (and also whether you're in a marina, etc.), I have NO way of actually knowing....

2) Secondly, could you tell me what your M-802 received signal meter is reading on one of these channels / "known stations", that you cannot receive???

3) Third, I have a few series of videos that explains all functions/details of the Icom M-802, as well as its DSC functions, etc...

Originally Posted by Kim Petersen View Post
My schedule is such that I have little time to spare before heading south to the Exumas with the family. The issue is that, despite having the SSB 'professionally' installed, it is unable to tune-in known stations. I wish I had the time to troubleshoot it myself, but on this occasion I'm going to have a pro look things over. I'll try Atlantic Radiotelephone first and see what happens.

And finally, if you are having RFI issues (from other boats, your own boat, shore, etc.) and/or are unsure of what noises you should be hearing and should not be hearing, here are a couple videos specific to that...

Fair winds..

John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
MMSI# 366933110
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Old 22-04-2015, 15:07   #6
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Re: Icom M802: Looking for technician in Ft. Lauderdale Area

In addition to all the suggestions above - make sure your main antenna lead is connected to the proper input connector on the radio!
If the radio was 'professionally installed', did the installer not verify proper operation ?
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