The difference between the 18 and 24 is the degrees of resolution. The bigger the radar
antenna, the tighter the tolerances on what it can see. An 18 might blur an inlet opening into one solid mass, where the 24 would pick it up sooner. In my opinion, the difference between the 18 and 24 isn't enough to make me spend the extra
money. It's literally a couple of degrees and on a sailboat, those couple of degrees won't matter because you're not approaching anything at any kind of speed. The real improvements in resolution come with the big 6 foot open array antennas.
I just bought the Fantom 18 unit. The main reason was
power consumption.
Power output on the Fantom is 40 watts, while the xHD radar is 4000 watts with the same 48 mile range. The Fantom also has doppler and "motion scope" to identify threats.