Originally Posted by Tsuru
Sadly I don’t know which one it is. Visual comparison is that it is probably Seatalk-ng.
Is the procedure as simple as:
1- Determine the network type
2- Purchase the right converter cable (or adapter kit & converter cable)
3- Plug it together.
4 - Power up the system
5 - Done?????
if you have a seatalkng backbone, ( blue / black and white /black
cables pluged into black / blue tees) and have a spare empty white port, then yes buy the stng to nmea 2000 adatper cable and plug it in. they make a mail and female cable I think so make sure it's the correct one. if you don't have any free white
ports you'll need to add another tee (and backbone cable) or converter an existing tee to a 5 way block (no extra backbone cable needed)
if all the
cables are black with flat 3 pin ends then you have seatalk.