I am looking for a used radome for a FurunoRadar Model M821( 17" radome,2KW,24N.M,5.7 deg bandwith). Mine does still turn but doesnt send any signal to the LCD screen.( magnetron, signal cable?) . If anyone has had a similar problem I would appreciate receiving your comments.
However if somebody has a working one lying around or know where i could possibly find one please advise.
Thanks in advance.
You should receive an alarm on the display if there are any signals missing. If the magnetron is shot the echoes just won't show up but there is no alarm. If you listen to the radome while it's on and in TX-mode, you should here a high pitched sound, like an old CRT-TV starting up. If you don't, chanses are that the magnetron is busted. It's easy to change though. Just keep in mind that there could also be other errors, like a busted modulator board causing the magnetron to fail. Just hand it in to your local dealer and they can check it for you in 15 minutes, or ask them if you could borrow a used megnetron for testing.
Many thanks for your comments. There is no alarm signal and the magnetron, when in TX mode, does not emit any pitching-type sound. So I presume, as you suggest, that it could well be the magnetron that is at fault. I will have it checked and keep you posted about the results.
have a nice day, Rocou