spoke to them awhile back and was told that those of us with older units could up-grade to the newer unit for a fraction of the cost... my older model is still working fine after 10 years of use..
Funny story,
A couple years ago, the wife and I volunteered at "Spaulding Wooden
Boat Works" in the bay area for a few months.. Spaulding has become a non-profit..
and while there, a
haul out was done on a BCC, and as always most owners of BCCs are a traditionalest and keep to the "OLD WAYS"..
and as I walked around the
boat with the owner, while it was on the stands, we talked about the way they sailed and her actions on the
I then looked up and noticed the "Tel-Tale"
transducer with its "eye-drop" style..
I looked over at the owner, pointed at the
puck protruding from the
hull and asked,
Isnt that a little sacrilegious???? he put his finger to his lipps and gave me a shush...