Originally Posted by gjorgensen
Actually they're a little better at being wideband(ish) and multi-band than a random wire antenna like a backstay. I've never tried one (but probably will be soon at home) to be sure, but based on typical results they should tune across the HF bands at a better SWR with a good antenna tuner (e.g. AT-140) than a random wire rope antenna.
The ones I am aware of are cut to a specific length for a specific band, like a dipole, and do not require a coupler. While they appear to be wideband(ish) compared to a dipole, this only means it can handle a bit out of band - say 75-80M instead of just 75M.
A random wire with a coupler is a true multi-band antenna covering a large swath of frequencies. I don't know much about the bazooka, but can't see how a coupler would
work well with one.