we have a Shipmodul Miniplex 3-N2K-USB 0183
NMEA multiplex blackbox.
We are not using the N2K part of it and have currently no need for this. Still, we use the 0183
ports. Unfortunately we might have shortened one input by accidentally feeding two input wires into one input port.
ports on this Multiplexer are electrooptically decoupled. As we can not sent the unit in for a
repair I was wondering if anyone here has an idea what might get damaged by feeding two wires into the input sockets and what part we might need to get and solder in to fix it. If that's possible at all.
If it can not be fixed I think of replacing it with a Yacht Devices YDNM-02 multiplexer instead as it offers one
NMEA 0183 input channel more than the Miniplex.