Mate, we have the same
instruments, and same problem - although our
instruments are a little older than ten years. And ours actually alternates with the
wind guage - they take it in turn to
work correctly!
It's not fouling, and it's not
wiring. It's plain old old age. Throw the thing if you need reliable instruments. We keep ours cos we have a perfectly good
wind vane (for when the
wind instruments go) and an awesome new sonar
depth sounder - so we keep the old instruments around for a laugh. And the speed thing still works - and we need that to
record the max speeds for each helmsman on each voyage. Not that it's a
race, of course. Not at all.
Oh, and the
autopilot is fun too. It reads about a hundred degrees out, and won't be realigned no matter how carefully we follow the instructions. But it still holds a good course... so long as you can accept that it won't read the same number as on the GPS!!!