ICOM M330radio has
NMEA in/out leads.
green is Listener B (Data-L),
GPS in (-)
yellow is Listener A (Data-H),
GPS in (+)
brown is Talker B (Data-L), Data out (-)
white is Talker A (DataH), Data out (+)
1) Do I connect my GPS tx (transmit signal) to the yellow cable (GPS in (+)) and rx (receive signal) to the green cable (GPS in (-))?
2) If my GPS which is said
nmea 0183 compatible (GY-GPS6MV2 module) has a baud rate of of 9600 (factory set), will this be well read by my VHF-DSC maritime
radio, or will it have to be decreased to 4800 bauds. I know that an arduino module could do that? I want to transmit that data to some android devices with
opencpn or
navionics apps.
3) What is the name of that type of
nmea 0183 cable so that I can
purchase one?
Thanks a lot.