12-08-2015, 08:22
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Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
title says it all.
My boat has a N2k backbone and I want it to talk with the Autohelm/Raymarine ST7000/Type 1 Seatalk 1 autopilot (which works great)
I assume i need
E22158 converter
STng to NMEA2000 cable.
On the Seatalk 1 cable, I am not sure what to do:
I assume I cut the plug off the supplied ST1 cable and connect the yellow wire to the seatalk terminal on the AP (do I connect the red and bare wires or just the yellow?)
For power, will the E22158 get power from the N2k backbone, or will I have to hook up the red and bare wires as well.
I would guess the unit doesn't want power from both ends.
17-08-2015, 14:56
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
I used a loose connector from maertron. Then just cut the Seatalkng backbone cable and splice it on to the maetron n2k connector and hook it up to the n2k backnone. Do not put power at Both ends. The backbone will be powered thru the connection.
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17-08-2015, 15:31
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Thank you. I was asking about the ST1 cable. which wire do I use to the autohelm Seatalk1 autopilot? Yellow only or yellow, red, ground?
17-08-2015, 16:35
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
What do you have for other gear...
On my boat, I just wired my Smart Pilot to the new Plotter using NMEA 0183. This allowed the AP to get data off the NMEA 2000 network and vise versa. Not all plotters will translate back and forth, but most modern ones do.
17-08-2015, 19:19
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
What do you have for other gear...
On my boat, I just wired my Smart Pilot to the new Plotter using NMEA 0183. This allowed the AP to get data off the NMEA 2000 network and vise versa. Not all plotters will translate back and forth, but most modern ones do.
I have a NMEA0183 converter (simrad AT10) connected between the AP and my N2k network, but the rudder sensor info wont pass to the n2k network from the AP.... and the wind info from the N2k network won't pass to the AP
apparently the raymarine converter will fix this..going through the seatalk port instead of the nmea0183 port
17-08-2015, 19:26
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by phantomracer
I have a NMEA0183 converter (simrad AT10) connected between the AP and my N2k network, but the rudder sensor info wont pass to the n2k network from the AP.... and the wind info from the N2k network won't pass to the AP
apparently the raymarine converter will fix this..going through the seatalk port instead of the nmea0183 port
Sorry I don't know your answer, but if it was me, I would hook up all three. I'm guessing your converter will pull power from the Seatalk1 connection (this would make sense for a Raymarine product).
17-08-2015, 19:30
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
What do you have for other gear...
On my boat, I just wired my Smart Pilot to the new Plotter using NMEA 0183. This allowed the AP to get data off the NMEA 2000 network and vise versa. Not all plotters will translate back and forth, but most modern ones do.
attached is the system diagram of the new system..
still dont know which seatalk 1 cable to connect to the AP though
17-08-2015, 19:47
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
Sorry I don't know your answer, but if it was me, I would hook up all three. I'm guessing your converter will pull power from the Seatalk1 connection (this would make sense for a Raymarine product).
right..thats my question.. N2k is a powered network.. so it could get the power from there. the manual says not to get power from 2 sources.. just confused..
posted a message on raymarines site.. still not answered yet there.. might give them a call.
18-08-2015, 10:40
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Alright.. I still don't have an answer to your original question, but I did spot an issue in your design.
The E22158 is designed to be a backbone device. It cannot be connected to an NMEA 2000 network via a spur cable. It will need to be put at the end of your NMEA backbone with a terminator in one of the blue ports, then your other terminator will be your wind device. Personally, this would make me nervous as the E22158 isn't actually NMEA 2000 certified.
Would it be possible to connect the autopilot via the Helm Display over NMEA 0183. The only thing you would lose is rudder angle, which may not be a big deal if you have an AP control head that already shows that.
18-08-2015, 12:13
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
Alright.. I still don't have an answer to your original question, but I did spot an issue in your design.
The E22158 is designed to be a backbone device. It cannot be connected to an NMEA 2000 network via a spur cable. It will need to be put at the end of your NMEA backbone with a terminator in one of the blue ports, then your other terminator will be your wind device. Personally, this would make me nervous as the E22158 isn't actually NMEA 2000 certified.
Would it be possible to connect the autopilot via the Helm Display over NMEA 0183. The only thing you would lose is rudder angle, which may not be a big deal if you have an AP control head that already shows that.
Thanks...it helps..
I did have the AP hooked up with a NMEA0183 simrad AT10 converter. it worked but did not have rudder being sent to the N2k devices and wind data wasnt being send to the AP, but heading was. I was trying to replace the at10 with the raymarine unit, as it said it would pass the rudder, wind, heading info.
I did try and use the raymarine converter as a spur. I DID get rudder angle out of the AP and saw it on the NMEA displays and plotter.
I DIDN'T see the wind or heading info on the AP.
You think I might have a shot if I remove the terminator on my backbone, and connect the converter to where the terminator was, and use the terminator on the converter?
Or is there a better way to get it all (wind and heading on the AP) and rudder back to the N2k network?
18-08-2015, 13:26
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by phantomracer
Thanks...it helps..
I did have the AP hooked up with a NMEA0183 simrad AT10 converter. it worked but did not have rudder being sent to the N2k devices and wind data wasnt being send to the AP, but heading was. I was trying to replace the at10 with the raymarine unit, as it said it would pass the rudder, wind, heading info.
I did try and use the raymarine converter as a spur. I DID get rudder angle out of the AP and saw it on the NMEA displays and plotter.
I DIDN'T see the wind or heading info on the AP.
You think I might have a shot if I remove the terminator on my backbone, and connect the converter to where the terminator was, and use the terminator on the converter?
Or is there a better way to get it all (wind and heading on the AP) and rudder back to the N2k network?
I have never personally connected an E22158, but its all over the Raymarine forum that it must be connected as part of the backbone. There are quite a few posts where the Ray tech is very clear about this. There are also posts where people have wierd issues (missing data) when they try as a spur device.
Its worth a try, but I would keep an eye on the NMEA 2000 bus and monitor for errors. My worry would be that the Raymarine terminator is a different value then a certified NMEA 2000 terminator. Use your MFD to watch for errors on the bus once you have it all connected.
18-08-2015, 15:01
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
I have never personally connected an E22158, but its all over the Raymarine forum that it must be connected as part of the backbone. There are quite a few posts where the Ray tech is very clear about this. There are also posts where people have wierd issues (missing data) when they try as a spur device.
Its worth a try, but I would keep an eye on the NMEA 2000 bus and monitor for errors. My worry would be that the Raymarine terminator is a different value then a certified NMEA 2000 terminator. Use your MFD to watch for errors on the bus once you have it all connected.
I was using it like the Simrad AT10 converter, which works on a spur well.
I posted a message on Raymarines site and never got a reply...still waiting for a call back from tech support.
So if putting this on the backbone doesn't work..then nothing really will, I assume... short of upgrading the AP (which is on the long term list, but this one is working quite well)
18-08-2015, 15:07
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by phantomracer
I was using it like the Simrad AT10 converter, which works on a spur well.
I posted a message on Raymarines site and never got a reply...still waiting for a call back from tech support.
So if putting this on the backbone doesn't work..then nothing really will, I assume... short of upgrading the AP (which is on the long term list, but this one is working quite well)
My gut feeling is that putting it on the backbone will solve your problems..
I'm in the same boat as you since I have an old SmartPilot with an ST6002. I have no interest in replacing it as it functions like a champ. Like I said, I just settled for hooking it up to the MFD via NMEA0183 and not getting rudder angle on the NMEA2000 network. I looked at the E22158 but decided against it as it was extra expense and complexity for very little gain. I'm fine looking at my ST6002 to get the rudder angle.
18-08-2015, 22:35
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
I have the SeaTalk 1 to NG converter to link my Type 300 AP to my plotter and wind instruments. But I don't have a N2K backbone. Mine is hooked up to draw power from the STNG backbone, and the autopilot gets it's own power source. You can hook up the AP to the converter using just the yellow, or yellow and shield. As far as the AP not seeing data... I found that in order to get wind data from STNG to the AP, I needed power the AP first, then turn on the instruments (STNG backbone). I can't comment on heading, I'm still using the AP heading sensor, though I do have a B&G N2K gps/heading/heel sensor hooked up.
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19-08-2015, 15:07
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Re: Connect ST7000/Type 1 AP to NMEA2000 using E22158
Originally Posted by travellerw
Alright.. I still don't have an answer to your original question, but I did spot an issue in your design.
The E22158 is designed to be a backbone device. It cannot be connected to an NMEA 2000 network via a spur cable. It will need to be put at the end of your NMEA backbone with a terminator in one of the blue ports, then your other terminator will be your wind device. Personally, this would make me nervous as the E22158 isn't actually NMEA 2000 certified.
Would it be possible to connect the autopilot via the Helm Display over NMEA 0183. The only thing you would lose is rudder angle, which may not be a big deal if you have an AP control head that already shows that.
If the E22158 is connected properly, then it shouldn't be a problem.
If I remember correctly my Raymarine-ese, as depicted in the diagram, the E22158 will be the entire "STng backbone" - assuming that STng terminators are plugged into the two backbone connectors. And the correct way to connect it to an NMEA 2000 network is via a spur cable as indicated. That way each network (STng and NMEA2k) will appear to the other as a spur.
You'll probably need to power the E22158 via its supplied power cable; and make sure the SeaTalk1 cable is powered by the AP (don't connect the red power lead to the yellow ST1 cable - only use the bare/shield and the yellow data lead).
Cap'n Jon (KB1HTW)
S/V Beausoleil -1979 Formosa 51 Ketch
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