Recently I have installed a small
solar power system- consisting of 3 canadian
solar 245w, a Outback FM 80 charge controller, 2 Rolls s-430
batteries and a
Victron Battery monitor. I have noticed over the first three months after the install that my SOC has not been going below 90% each day. As I am in the tropics around Liberia, every day that 10% gets filled back up. This first three months of the system are in the rainy season and so in about a month I will have more sun that I know what to do with! I am a bit concerned about the long term with the SOC on the
batteries. I think that It would be better to get the SOC to 80% before I started
charging up again. I am manually shutting down the PV array every other day to bring the SOC down to about 85 or 80% at present. The other problem that I have noticed is that they are not getting a full absorption. I know this by the SG being a bit low at supposed full charge, SG read 1.255 at full. I do have a
victron Batter
Monitor installed I would like to charge them and adjust setting's based on
battery return amps. I understand with the shunt from the victron you can see in and out amps used. Is there a way to charge, selectively adjust absorption charge time based on this number? Can the Victron unit be link to a
charger to achieve this? If not how do you achieve this? Maybe a Victron MPPT-Anyone using a Victron
MPPT, are they any good? Any suggestions? ITJ
Current settings on the OB are AB 14.7 4 hours with no end amps setting Float 13.2