I have an
Autohelm 6000
Power Pilot and the control
head is bad. This is an old pre sea-talk unit and
replacements are hard to find. Occasionally one comes up on Ebay or wherever but I'm not 100% sure they'll
work. When I check the voltage coming into my control unit it's 24v. It looks like the 6000 came in both a 24v and 12v version and mine is the 24. I'm not sure if the control heads are the same or if I have to find a 24v compatible version. Also there's a
Autohelm 6000 Stern Drive version that had an 'Indicating' control
head and a 'regular' control head. I've seen these out there but again i'm not sure they'll
work on my version. If anybody can shed some light on this I would appreciate it.