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Old 09-04-2015, 08:58   #1
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Another Icom M802 connector question

Does anyone know a cross reference for the microphone connector on the M802? I would like build a headset adapter but cannot find the connector among the thousands in Digikey or Mouser, any hints?

Thanks in advance, Eric
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Old 10-04-2015, 11:01   #2
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

Yes, this is a rare connector....and seems to be an Icom special connector, as I've not seen one on any other radio...

The entire mic cord and connector assembly is available from Icom...
The Icom part number is:
(order number 8900011080)
And, sells for about $39...

And the mating female connector, on the RC25, is Connector LTW-8MP-C
(order number 6510022440)

But, as this OPC-1108 mic cord assembly is OEM'ed for Icom (in China, I think), I doubt the connector is available individually without the cable assembly attached....

Originally Posted by ejs View Post
Does anyone know a cross reference for the microphone connector on the M802? I would like build a headset adapter but cannot find the connector among the thousands in Digikey or Mouser, any hints?
You have a few options...
a) First off, you could call Icom Service and ask them...

b) Or, ask Icom service or Icom parts, to sell you the connector....but you'd probably need to buy the whole mic cord with attached connector...

c) Call an Icom Service center and see if they have an old/damaged M-802 Mic Cord with good connector that they'd sell you cheap (this is what I did, and it worked!)

d) Call Bob Heil, at Heil Sound....e-mail him a couple photos of the connector along with any info you have from Icom / Icom Manual, etc., and ask him for a headset recommendation or ask to buy a headset-to-radio cable using that connector...

e) Buy an Icom replacement mic...

f) Buy, the Icom handset...

Options "b" and "d", will be the easiest / best approach, for making the whole set-up work properly....and they would be my first thing to recommend to you...

So, my overall best advice is:
Buy the whole mic cord assembly, with connector attached (OPC-1108), from Icom....send it to Bob Heil, and ask 'em for a headset recommendation, and have 'em make the whole thing for will work, and work well!

I hope this helps...

Fair winds..


John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
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Old 13-04-2015, 19:45   #3
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

I was afraid it was a proprietary connector. I had the part numbers from the service manual showing you could only get the cord assy. I'll try Icom for a used one and see what happens.

Thanks for your help, Eric
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Old 14-04-2015, 05:09   #4
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

You're welcome...
Be advised that you're not going to get Icom Parts to sell you a used mic plug, and unlikely to get Icom Service in Washington to sell you one either...
But, if you contact one of the independent Icom service centers, they may be able to help you out....just maybe...

Overall though, my best advice remains the same:
Buy a NEW mic cord assembly, send it to Bob Heil at Heil Sound, and have him make a headset for you!

Fair winds...

John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
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Old 17-04-2015, 12:05   #5
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

Does anyone know how long the M802 power cable OPC1107A is ? Been searching everywhere but nothing for the cable length ! I'm looking at buying a M802

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Old 17-04-2015, 14:09   #6
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

Yes, I know how long the M-802's supplied DC power cable is...but, you do NOT want to use its entire length as this will introduce significant voltage drop on transmit...
Originally Posted by northiceman View Post
Does anyone know how long the M802 power cable OPC1107A is ? Been searching everywhere but nothing for the cable length ! I'm looking at buying a M802
Remember you must size the wire based on the voltage drop you can accept (typically 3% or less), and on the length of the run of wire and the current to be carried....and don't forget that the voltage drop goes up exponentially as the current rises....

So, while the short answer to your question is:
9 feet long....

The long answer is:
This 9' length of 12ga (or even 10ga or even 8ga) wire is too long and/or too small gauge, for acceptable voltage drop in a 30 amp circuit, with only battery voltage available (12 - 12.5vdc)....

If you were running the radio off a hefty regulated 13.8vdc supply, then this length of small gauge wire would be okay....but that is not what we have on-board our boats...

So, you must run a wire of adequate size (look at the wire sizing tables/charts for the distance of wire that you have, based on 30 amps....and remember that you must use the "round trip distance", which is double the length of one wire), between your main house battery bank (fused at the battery for the wire size you need), and to a terminal strip near the M-802 main unit, where you will use a short (8" - 12") length of the Icom supplied power cord with its fuses, to connect to the radio...

If you are unsure about all of this, please have a look at this "sticky", with LOTS of references....(and ask more questions here or in a new thread, as needed...)

Fair winds...

John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
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Old 17-04-2015, 14:55   #7
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

John - Wow ! ...hope your typing skills are better than mine ! Thanks for the number on the wire length (9 ft). I build boats (built my 50 ft ketch) so I am well aware of the wire charts from Marinco, Blue Sea, etc. But I know there are others in this forum who will appreciate the info you gave.
Personally, I believe that 12 gauge for 9 feet (18 ft roundtrip) is ok (according to the ABYC standards anyway). I would use 10 gauge copper if I was making the cable. However, iCom specifies a 15% drop in V as acceptable so the 12 gauge should be ok in my estimation. I always check any wiring on new devices by doing a test at full load (that would be on "transmit" with a SSB radio) and I change out any wiring I suspect.
Well-have a Bahamian rum and pineapple juice on me !
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Old 17-04-2015, 17:21   #8
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

You're welcome....and I'm off for an iced tea, not a rum punch....

And, while I will not try to tell you how to build boats!!!
It has been my experience (in the past 45 years) that few, if any, boat manufacturers, ABYC electricians, ABYC techs, boat yards, etc., and even darn few supposed professional marine electronics techs/installers, know much about actual optimal installation of marine electronics, let alone HF radio...

But, that's all a rather moot point I think you are basing your wiring choice on misinformation....

Please forgive my bluntness here, I mean no offense, but I'd like to point out a few things...

1) You are using an ABYC voltage drop standard/spec for electro/mechanical motors, etc. / non-electronic devices, not the 3% that is the standard for marine electronics!!!

2) Even then, you are assuming you're starting with the Icom spec'd 13.6vdc, to judge your voltage drop on....but the fact is that your radio will be battery powered, with typical battery bank voltages of 12 to12.5vdc....
So, while the radio will work with voltages +/- 15% from 13.6vdc, that's approx. 11.5vdc to are already starting from 12vdc!!!
Take 15% off 12vdc = 10.2vdc!!
Take 3% off 12vdc = 11.64vdc!!

3) And, finally...I get the feeling that you may even be thinking of wiring the M-802 thu your DC distribution bus, and/or even worse thru your 12vdc breaker panel...both are typically fraught with many issues....

Again, I mean no offense....just hoping to help 'ya out!
And, I do hope you see the logic in actually sizing the wire correctly in the first place, rather than using too small wire and then have to rip it out and replace it??
Originally Posted by northiceman View Post
I always check any wiring on new devices by doing a test at full load (that would be on "transmit" with a SSB radio) and I change out any wiring I suspect.

Sorry, I don't have the time to go thru all of this at the moment....but I do hope this helps...

Fair winds...

John, KA4WJA
s/v Annie Laurie, WDB6927
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Old 17-04-2015, 17:47   #9
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

Hey John - appreciate your concerns - I agree with at least 99%. I will be connecting the 802 directly to the house battery bank which is never lower than 13.4 V I will only be using the 802 at specific short time intervals-not constantly on.

I hear you very loud and clear on the so called "authorities" on specs electrically and electronically. I am one who does his own "reserach" - especially since a lot of so called "correct specs" are based on price wars between different suppliers/builders (ie pricing has to be kept competitive or the sales drop !) - the reason usually why lower gauge wiring is used (especially when they are "accessories").
BTW-I just had a great cup of King Cole tea (a great New Brunswick, Canada blend of black tea).

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Old 17-04-2015, 17:50   #10
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

What John said... in fact I'm a big believer in using Voltage Boosters in all Radio circuits. I put one of these in every circuit I install; makes a HUGE difference in performance when you really need it.

N8XJK Marine Booster - TG Electronics
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Old 17-04-2015, 18:13   #11
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Re: Another Icom M802 connector question

I'll second the TG Electronics boosters for when running big wire is impractical, and/or using ham gear some of which operates poorly at voltages less than 13.8. Not the purist's approach but it has worked well for me.

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