Originally Posted by wood940
I have a Garmin 7416 xsv chart plotter.
Originally, the Garmin
VHF supplied receive only AIS feed to the
screen. I installed a Garmin 800 AIS, but some issues indicated it might be a faulty unit, so I got my
money back, and installed a Digital Yacht AIT5000.
All of these, and almost everything else available, will do the job of supplying the data to the chart plotter.
The issue I have is the display of the data. Unfortunately I have been spoiled by the excellent (market leading) display of
I do not like the Garmin AIS data display.
# The Garmin display requires me to "review" a target, with the data contained in up to 3 pages that I have to scroll through (and it still doesn't display everything available).
# Also, if a signal is not received from a target within 40 or so seconds, it shows it as a
lost signal.
# The configuration options are minimal.
# The CPA display is a bit challenging to understand.