Andi, Don not dream your life, live your dream. .
If i would have listened to my folks and others, that I should
work in a cubical and be Mr. Businesman, I would not have had this grand life of nearly full on adventure, having two parallel careers of professionally sailing world wide, and a
commercial pilot, flight instructor
charter pilot and fighter pilot. I never asked anyone, if I should do something, I just did it. Most took
work , study, and commitment. Sometimes years.
B.S with all of that, I wanted to actually live life to the fullest. And at nearly 79 years of being on the planet, we are still fit and active sailing , hiking, traveling NOT ON
boating , and in fact, heading back to the
BVI in May 2019.
So, you can do what ever you want in life , if you want to work toward that goal.
How can you sail and meet young people ?? Go to where they are !!
Well, if you can kind open up a wider spectrum and expand your cruising into watermen, surfers, stand up paddle boarders, bartenders, crews on
catamaran tour
boats, and beach lovers, ocean lovers, and all round fun loving folk, you will widen out your demographics. Not just cruising, and sitting at the slip or on the hook.
Some thoughts :
Kauai Island, and sail some of the other hawaiian islands.
We lived on
Kauai for about 10 years, and there are lots of young people around who enjoy island and beach and
boating lives. That is why they moved there . These are not dull people, they are enegetic, bright, active , fit, positive and are having a grand time.
I would imagine some of the neighbor islands are the same.
Australia: Have skippered
boats there, and with the tour, sailing,
Scuba , etc boats, they have young crews. They have lots of young people working in all types of tourist related fields. The aussies are great, and so is their country.
Personally, we love sailing the
BVI, and there are expats working for the
charter boat industry, crews, office, etc, and many of those are from,
New Zealand,
Australia, and the U.S.A. Also, in the same area are the U.S.
Virgin Islands. Easy sailing.
Don't forget the popular surfing areas. Surfers have a respect for those who respect the ocean. When we lived on Kauai, one day at Lawai beach I was taking story with a couple of adult surfers, and they asked me about my back ground. I never was a board surfer.
But, I was raised in orange county, Ca. body surfing the beaches there, no board surfing, but also at the time of this discussion I held a U.S.C.G 100 ton Masters Lic., and for many years had sailed many fantastic places in the
south pacific,
caribbean, australia, and both Erica and i are PADI certified, and my first dives were on a 120 ft
live aboard dive
boat for 4 days,
SCUBA diving the
great barrier reef and the
coral sea.
Now, that was just sharing factual experiences, and they shook my hand , and said * You are a "Waterman " . I felt, that was quite a complement Even tho I had never board surfed. We connected with each of us having our own way of enjoying the ocean Mutual Respect.
Point being, where ever you go, showing respect for everyone, it will not be hard to relate to others who have a great passion for the ocean, surfing, boats, and islands.
So,, you can expand on your demographics, and meet and share life with many other people , you age.
Erica and I travel and sail world wide, and also get out , and find great places , at home and internationally.
I have a a couple of
" All you have to do is say HELLO , and you will find how interesting this person sitting next to you is, and also how much you have in common. " Problem is today , that people are engrossed in their electronic crutch devices and do not communicate, thus, no people to people sharing real adventures."
So, get our there, and meet those young people that you wish to relate.
another saying " Listen to what they have to say , do not interrupt , and then share you factual experiences, ideas, goals, and a grand story or two. Whammo, you have a new acquaintance , or even friend.
We " Treat everyone with respect " . Do not "lie or ******** them. "
" Friendship is precious cargo . " Very special .
" Share true aloha with everyone " , where ever you are on the planet. "
" Smile " We need more smiles , and happy eyes and true hearts .
There you are , go where the action is, boating, surfing, stand up paddle boarding, charter companies, snorkeling , beaches, and bars, and even ., maybe share with us positive well seasoned cruisers and sailors once in a while.
The other thing that looms up......THAR AINT NO FREE LUNCH. Life and implementing dreams takes effort, hard work, study, and making a living , and having some savings .
I can be done, just get up off the okole, and flat do it.