Glassy seas, smokey
drifting seaweed, driftwood log
Not a breath or a gust to help make way
no miles made under this
keel today
Drooping sailcloth, dripping
Unseen coastline, with hidden teeth
Rolling swells, bereft of
Bell buoy clangs, noons the hour
A drifting vessel, a well fed crew
Not a telltale flutters, no sailing to do
Damn this calm , where's all the
Should we start the
Should we just give in ?
What's that I feel, cool on my cheek?
The boom swings round , the goose neck creaks
Sea smoke swirls, wisps slither past
A Sou'Westerly teases,
Then builds at last
Let out the main, slack the
jib sheet
Bring down the traveller
To stay on her feet
The silence of morning, gone but an hour
Notus and Zephyr are revealing their
It's only a weekend, a tease and a taste
A few precious moments ,
blue water to chase
I don't know if ever, I will cast off all lines
But here in this instant
I call Poseidon's home mine
Happy New Year everyone
Peter Kielburger