Hi All
Im definitely one of those 'Wanna Be's" and I have a question if you care to share your thoughts.
My sailing experience is somewhat sketchy but I have sailed PPB quite a few times including doing a Yacht Masters course (some 20 years ago) and I have had the opportunity to sail from
Bora Bora to
Samoa delivering a
catamaran. That was an experience with only 2 of us on board.
Now my dream was always to build a
boat and sail around
Australia. Now the building part has long gone but my desire to sail around
Australia keeps haunting me to do it.
Im 56 and about to come across the opportunity financially to actually make this happen. Not live in luxury onboard a 500k yacht but to have a decent yacht where I could easily sustain my living for 2 years without
income. If things didn't
work out where i could continue then the option to sell is always there and return to life as I know it now.
Only problem im facing at the moment is travelling companions. My girlfriend is definitely not interested. In that case I prefer to be solo but if that prevents me for doing the trip then careful hitcher selection will be required.
So I ask.
How possible/realistic is it to sail around Australia Solo?
If it were very achievable then my thoughts on a
boat are as follows and based on reading I have done over the years
* Size of boat is 37 - 45 is preferred for comfort and space but is this manageable for a solo sail.
* A boat that is designed well to sail to windward
* A boat that 'heaves to' well. Whilst I have never actually achieved this in practice. Before anything circumnavigating happens I will learn this skill.
* Long Fin
keel for stability
Steel hull (whilst it can be more noisy and heavy than Fibreglass) there are many places on the planet where people can weld and
repairs are achievable.
* Plenty/good sun covering in
cockpit area. I learnt that whilst sailing the pacific how powerful the sun can be when out in the sea.
Single mast as thats all Ive sailed. I havent sailed a
Ketch before but keen to learn if thats the better option.
So my plan is to sail within my limits and keep to good
weather windows where possible but I also understand that things dont always go to plan and I must be prepared for anything. Hence the Heave To comment made earlier. As one article I read that mentioned that in past experience the sailor was quoted as saying that he would rather Heave To and wait out a storm than release a
sea anchor.
Theres a bit of a blurb on my 'Wanna Be' intention. When that
money finally does land in my bank account I want to be ready to make a decision whether I do or dont because if I buy a boat I need it to be near ready and I dont want it sitting in some harbour for a year as I know things will get in the way and stop me from leaving. They always do. I just want to be ready and in the next 6-9 months this is strongest possibility ive ever had. If my girlfriend was coming it would be a no brainer and I would just take the chance. As a possible solo adventurer its making me think.
I could go on forever but I think thats enough for now.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Cal I sail solo around Australia with my limited experience?