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Old 10-07-2013, 00:23   #76
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

I can retire in 14 years and will have a monthly pension to live on. I plan on buying something down in Florida and spending however many years I want exploring the Bahamas and the Caribbean. Until then, I will be buying a fiberglass sloop to live on in a month or two (assuming I find one that works for me) and living aboard up near Seattle.
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:11   #77
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

We have a two year plan. First, sell our Bayfield 29 cutter rig, and move up, hopefully to a Gozzard 36. The lease is up on our car June 2015, our old dog probably has a couple of good years left in him, he is 14 or so now, we'll put the house up for sale next year, move into an apartment until we can move on to the boat. When we move onto the boat, we'll store what we want to keep, have the boat prepped for our voyage to the Caribbean, and away we go.

For how long? Who knows....if we both really enjoy the lifestyle, we'll stay out as long as we can physically do so. If we both don't enjoy it, well, back to Windsor, purchase a condo or rent an apartment, continue sailing the Great Lakes, with the odd journey south....and try that.

Our hopes and dreams are of the Caribbean and points further south....I'm tired of snow and cold. We feel the Bayfield is just a wee bit small for the two of us to be comfortable, and are looking at the Gozzard line. We visited the factory, and were quite impressed with Mike Gozzard and his crew, and the tour of the boats being refurbed and the new 31 being built impressed us even further.

So...that's our far...subject to change! My accident stepping off the boat last September has taught us that plans can change very quickly, you must be able to adapt.

For those of you familiar with my accident....further surgery this some nerve damage in the ankle, de-bridle the ankle socket to remove some bone chips, and remove some of the hardware I've had for the last year. Another small setback, but all for the greater good<grin>

Sorry for being so long winded.

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Old 10-07-2013, 05:57   #78
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

We too had a boat-related accident that showed how life can make an abrupt, sharp turn (Details are on our blog at s/v C-Time). For the last year we've been busy selling nearly everything in the house, upfitting the boat, and making preparations to cast off at the end of this year. We're both 53, but like others have said, figure we should cruise while we're still able. We should have enough non-401k cash to last several years, so we'll probably have to rebuild the kitty before reaching retirement age. I like the idea of working in the islands or maybe South America.
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Old 10-07-2013, 06:45   #79
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Finish the boat plumbing first, then....

Once around Australia, with enough time spent at the good bits, and maybe a trip to NZ, Vanuatu etc.

Then sell the boat and go back to windsurfing, which is way faster and less upkeep.
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Old 10-07-2013, 07:21   #80
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Well I am neither of those gentlemen, nor do I have their income. After much reflection, I have decided that I want to be a beach/sailboat bum. I just haven't figured out how to make it pay like working for a living, and I don't have enough faith in the kindness of humans to depend on them to feed me at intervals that I have become accustomed to. Sailing about going on adventures is my love, and hopefully I can stop all this responsible bill paying junk and go out and do it. Big plan, cut the lines come Junish 2014.
" Wisdom; is your reward for surviving your mistakes"
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Old 10-07-2013, 08:57   #81
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If mobile glass/gelcoat repair is viable down in the Caribbean I'd love to do that. We do that right now without all the glamour of the tropical setting.
"They'll get out of the way. I learned that drivin' the Saratoga."
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Old 10-07-2013, 22:58   #82
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Within the next year or two, get a sloop in the 31'-36' range and sail down to Mexico. Run the Baja-Ha-Ha. Save up, and start taking off a month here and there from work and explore farther south. Cross the equator. Go through the canal and make our way back to where we honeymooned in Belize, but this time by boat. Explore the Carribbean. Hit the lotto, buy a Swan 44 and spend a few years sailing around South America, then cross the Atlantic and cruise the Med for a few more years.
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Old 13-07-2013, 18:16   #83
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Have been sailing for over 40 years. When I was young it was a romantic notion to sail around the World. After university and start of a career (busy busy busy), it later became a dream to sail across the Atlantic. Approaching retirement, it became, "we'll if I could sail to the Caribbean for the winters, that'd be fine". Now in retirement, sailing to the Bahamas from Florida would be an acceptable culmination to the romantic notion of sailing off into the sunset. Geez, if I wait any longer, sailing on all of my friends boats may be all that satisfies me! Especially if they head south!!!
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Old 14-07-2013, 19:12   #84
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

I hope to one day ether get, or build a 40' catamaran and sail it to countries around the world. It's just that simple.
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Old 28-11-2013, 01:02   #85
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Win Lotto; buy 35' trimaran, sail the world living off investments.

[Helps to buy a ticket now and again....] Doh!

Save for twenty years, build ditto boat, sail the world living off govt old age pension.
[Fed gov just extended receiving age to 70......] Doh!

Build 20' Scarab trimaran and sail the world, living off rent fomr own home
[Can't afford to build a 20' tri for a few years yet ] Doh!

Add 14' Paper Tiger cat hulls to alreday owned International 420 dinghy to make 'bitsa' trimaran and go sailing...somewhere....

[Work in progress, stay tuned.....]
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Old 28-11-2013, 07:20   #86
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Re-Implement the Butter Rule (work keeps luring me back with fun projects):
- If the butter is melting, head north.
- If the butter tears the bread, head south.

Cruising goals:
- Short term: Go back and spend the summer on the Erie Canal
- Medium term (a couple years out): Ship the boat over to Europe and cruise the med and the canal systems (maybe buy over there)
- Long term: Cruise the carribean.

Of course we have competing land based plans such as driving the panamerican highway.
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Old 28-11-2013, 07:37   #87
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

wherever i feeel like being, and where the boat breaks down and where the parts are located for the particular breakdown...
butter better separate where i am. if it doesnt, i need to head into whichever direction it does.
merely melting is not warm enough.
when the cat melts is good.....gotta have a gato that appreciates life and momms... he knows i control his world. for this heat and humidity, i need electricity, (i dont wanna kill him, just keep him aware of where his comfort happens....)

i really dont care where i go or plans--no reason for i have an entire lifetime to get to whereverville, and i dont care even where whereverville actually is...

so what is taking all you so long to get here... butter is melting and no one is here
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Old 28-11-2013, 11:46   #88
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Made a comment on this thread a few months ago. Not quite living up to my plans or they are just taking longer to materialise.
So far brought the boat home up the west coast it was a great trip if a little bit of an endurance test. Since the just puttered about.
Hope fully next season we will be a bit more adventurous and head north.
I don’t eat butter on my bread.
I do like to go ashore and by it fresh in the morning before I go sailing.
So a nice pub in the evening, Fresh baked goods in the morning.
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Old 28-11-2013, 15:13   #89
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

I have always had a hankering to follow (or at least visit) the major pacific campaign battle sites. I am interested in military history and would love to put some physical context to the history.

Firstly though, need to get from West Australia back to Queensland. This will be our maiden voyage starting in May/June 2014 so we have much to learn and a long way to go yet.

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Old 28-11-2013, 15:35   #90
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Re: What are your Voyaging Hopes, Plans, Dreams or Vague Intentions for some day!

Originally Posted by valhalla360 View Post
Re-Implement the Butter Rule (work keeps luring me back with fun projects):
- If the butter is melting, head north.
- If the butter tears the bread, head south.
....and if there's no butter you've:

A) Been burgled at the dock, OR
B) It's time to find a port and restock
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Dreams, Hopes, Plans, Vague Intentions!

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