The public needs to be educated with facts, not fakes.
Fake videos cause a problem because after the public has seen numerous fake videos, and then have heard that some of the videos are fake, the public will doubt the veracity of real photos and real videos of real problems, such as plastic pollution. It is better to share real evidence, not fakes.
I have sailed across the
North Pacific High Gyre (halfway between
Hawaii and California), and I have seen miles and miles of sporadic plastic trash floating in the
water, as far as the eye can see. But, it is not concentrated like this video shows. The common use of the term "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" is also misleading, because it leads the public to think of an Island of trash as shown in this video. The facts are different., very different.
There is a real problem. The Public needs to be aware. But it does not help to fool the public with fake videos that are misleading, like this one. It is counterproductive, or "shooting oneself in the foot," and short sighted. The public needs to beeducated with facts, not fakes.
As pointed out above, by WAYFARER,
I also see how the propaganda is used to drive fund raising for the Non Profit org, which may have mixed agenda.