An air change is how many times the air enters and exits a room from the
HVAC system in one hour.
Smoking rooms are usually designed for 15 - 20 air changes per hour.
1. Calculate the volume of the room (L’xW’xH’).
2. Multiply the volume of the room by the required room air changes.
3. Divide the answer by 60 minutes per Hour to find the required room CFM:
So, for instance, a 10' x 12' x 8'H room (960 cu ft) would require ([960 x 20] ÷ 60) a 320 CFM
exhaust fan*, vented to the outside.
A “rule of thumb,” for designing negatively pressurized rooms (so that smoke from room A doesn’t infiltrate rm B), has been that a 10% differential between a room’s supply and exhaust (or return) airflow is adequate to prevent room air leakage to adjoining spaces.
In above room, supply air should be separately conditioned (heat/cool), and restricted to about 288 CFM (to maintain negative pressure).
* For instance, most residential bathroom fans are only rated from 50 to 110 CFM.